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Integrate the payment form


You can chose among 3 ways to integrate PayPlug on your website:

  Hosted payments Payments in lightbox Integrated payments
Preview Hosted page Lightbox Integrated Payment
Description The customer is redirected to a payment page hosted by PayPlug. The customer stays on your website and the payment will be performed in an embedded payment form hosted by PayPlug. The customer stays on your website which needs to be HTTPS and will use your custom payment form.
Customization Limited Extended Full
Securization Fully secured by PayPlug Fully secured by PayPlug Shared by PayPlug and you
Difficulty Easy Medium Advanced
PayPlug offer All All All
Documentation Read the doc Read the doc Read the doc


If you do not want to redirect your customers to a payment page hosted by PayPlug, the Lightbox is a quick and simple solution to add an embedded and secure payment form into your website.


This is the easiest way to integrate a PayPlug payment form, as you do not need to handle the security aspect of your customers’ card data.

If you are looking for a full customised payment form, you can create your own payment form with Integrated Payments.

Create a payment page

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::create(array(
    'amount'         => 3300,
    'currency'       => 'EUR',
    'save_card'      => false,
    'billing'          => array(
        'title'        => 'mr',
        'first_name'   => 'John',
        'last_name'    => 'Watson',
        'email'        => 'john.watson@example.net',
        'address1'     => '221B Baker Street',
        'postcode'     => 'NW16XE',
        'city'         => 'London',
        'country'      => 'GB',
        'language'     => 'en'
    'shipping'          => array(
        'title'         => 'mr',
        'first_name'    => 'John',
        'last_name'     => 'Watson',
        'email'         => 'john.watson@example.net',
        'address1'      => '221B Baker Street',
        'postcode'      => 'NW16XE',
        'city'          => 'London',
        'country'       => 'GB',
        'language'      => 'en',
        'delivery_type' => 'BILLING'
    'hosted_payment' => array(
        'return_url' => 'https://example.net/success?id=42',
        'cancel_url' => 'https://example.net/cancel?id=42'
    'notification_url' => 'https://example.net/notifications?id=42',
    'metadata'        => array(
        'customer_id' => 42

The Lighbox is based on the PayPlug API. To integrate the payment form, first you have to create a simple payment request based on the create payment method.

Include form.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://api.payplug.com/js/1/form.latest.js"></script>

To integrate the Lightbox you need the script tag located on the right side. Add this script tag in your code that will serve the payment form.

Call the Lightbox

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll("#signupForm"), function(el) {
    el.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
      var payplug_url = '<?php echo htmlentities($payment->hosted_payment->payment_url); ?>';

In order to display the PayPlug lightbox into your page once your customer clicks on the pay button, add into your code the javascript script from the right side.