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PayPlug API Quick guides

[ Python ]


Installing the Library

1- Download the library on GitHub:



2- Add to all your pages that use the API:

import payplug


Verify your identity when communicating with the API by providing a secret key in all your requests.

To submit your credentials, include your key in all pages that use the API:

  'secretKey' => 'sk_live_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY',
  'apiVersion' => 'THE_API_VERSION',

API keys start with “sk_”.
They are available in My account, then API Credentials in the PayPlug portal.

Access LIVE and TEST modes using the same endpoint. To switch between modes, simply provide the related secret key to the mode you wish to access.

Take a look at the changelog to know which api version you should use.

Create a payment

The payment creation process

create a payment

  1. Create the payment; a link to a payment page will be generated.
  2. Redirect the customer to the payment page.
  3. After entering card details, your customer is automatically redirected to the return page on your site.
  4. PayPlug sends you a confirmation via IPN (Instant Payment Notification).

Creating a payment

The following code shows an example of a payment request that automatically redirects your client to the payment page:

$email = 'john.watson@example.net';
$amount = 33;
$customer_id = '42710';

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::create(array(
  'amount'           => $amount * 100,
  'currency'         => 'EUR',
  'billing'  => array(
    'title'        => 'mr',
    'first_name'   => 'John',
    'last_name'    => 'Watson',
    'email'        => 'john.watson@example.net',
    'address1'     => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'     => 'NW16XE',
    'city'         => 'London',
    'country'      => 'GB',
    'language'     => 'en'
  'shipping'  => array(
    'title'         => 'mr',
    'first_name'    => 'John',
    'last_name'     => 'Watson',
    'email'         => 'john.watson@example.net',
    'address1'      => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'      => 'NW16XE',
    'city'          => 'London',
    'country'       => 'GB',
    'language'      => 'en',
    'delivery_type' => 'BILLING'
  'hosted_payment'   => array(
    'return_url'     => 'https://example.net/return?id='.$customer_id,
    'cancel_url'     => 'https://example.net/cancel?id='.$customer_id
  'notification_url' => 'https://example.net/notifications?id='.$customer_id,
  'metadata'         => array(
    'customer_id'    => $customer_id

$payment_url = $payment->hosted_payment->payment_url;
$payment_id = $payment->id;
header('Location:' . $payment_url);
payment_data = {
  'amount': 3300,
  'currency': 'EUR',
  'customer': {
    'email': 'john.watson@example.net'
  'hosted_payment': {
    'return_url': 'https://example.net/return?id=42710',
    'cancel_url': 'https://example.net/cancel?id=42710',
  'notification_url': 'https://example.net/notifications?id=42710',
  'metadata': {
    'customer_id': 42710,
payment = payplug.Payment.create(**payment_data)
payment_id = str(payment.id)

IMPORTANT: Please note that all amounts must be expressed in centimes as positive whole numbers (1€ = 100 centimes).


Option 1: Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

When creating a payment, you can specify a notification URL for use with IPN: notification_url. Whether the payment is successful or is fails, a POST query containing an object corresponding to the payment will be sent to your server.

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
try {
  $resource = \Payplug\Notification::treat($input);
  if ($resource instanceof \Payplug\Resource\Payment
    && $resource->is_paid) {
    $payment_id = $resource->id;
    $payment_state = $resource->is_paid;
    $payment_date = $resource->hosted_payment->paid_at;
    $payment_amount = $resource->amount;
    $payment_data = $resource->metadata[customer_id];
catch (\Payplug\Exception\PayplugException $exception) {
    echo htmlentities($exception);
request_body = request.body
  resource = payplug.notifications.treat(request_body)
except payplug.exceptions.PayplugError:
  if resource.object == 'payment' and resource.is_paid:
    payment_id = str(resource.id)
    payment_state = str(resource.is_paid)
    payment_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(resource.hosted_payment.paid_at).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    payment_amount = str(resource.amount)
    payment_data = resource.metadata['customer_id']

The notification URL must be publicly accessible via the internet. It will not work if you are operating offline or if the page is protected with a firewall or proxy.


Option 2: Extracting payment details

If you prefer not to use IPN, you may use the following method to extract payment details:

payment notifications

Steps one to three are the same as in the first diagram. In step four, make an API call using the payment ID that was generated when the payment was created:

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::retrieve($payment_id);
payment = payplug.Payment.retrieve(payment_id)

Managing metadata

Metadata allow you to include additional information when processing payments or refunds.

  "metadata": {
    "transaction_id": "tsct_201506023456",
    "customer_id": 58790,
    "product_id": "ts_blk_00234",
    "shipping": "The delivery was delayed"

You can add up to ten keys. Names cannot exceed twenty (20) characters, and stored content cannot exceed five hundred (500) characters.

Refund a payment

The refund creation process

create a refund

  1. Create a refund using the payment ID of the payment you wish to refund.
  2. PayPlug sends you a confirmation via IPN (instant payment notification).

Processing a refund

Option 1: Full refunds

In order to process a refund, you will need the payment ID of the payment you wish to refund.

The following code shows an example of a full refund:

$payment_id = 'pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn';
$refund = \Payplug\Refund::create($payment_id);
payment_id = 'pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn'
refund = payplug.Refund.create(payment_id)

Processing a refund

Option 2: Partial refunds

If you only need to refund a portion of the payment, the following in an example of a partial refund:

$payment_id = 'pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn';
$data = array(
  'amount' => 358,
  'metadata'          => array(
      'customer_id'       => 42710,
      'reason'            => 'The delivery was delayed'
$refund = \Payplug\Refund::create($payment_id, $data);
payment_id = 'pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn'
refund_data = {
  'amount': 358,
  'metadata': {
    'customer_id': 42710,
    'reason': 'The delivery was delayed',
refund = payplug.Refund.create(payment_id, **refund_data)

The example above includes metadata useful in tracking the refund.


Option 1: Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

If you specified a notification URL for use with IPN when the payment was created, after the refund is processed, a POST query containing an object corresponding to the refund will be sent to your server using the provided URL.

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
try {
  $resource = \Payplug\Notification::treat($input);

  if ($resource->object == "refund")) {
    $refund_id = $resource->id;
    $payment_id = $resource->payment_id;
    $refund_date = $resource->created_at;
    $refund_amount = $resource->amount;
    $refund_data = $resource->metadata[reason];
catch (\Payplug\Exception\PayplugException $exception) {
  echo htmlentities($exception);
request_body = request.body
  resource = payplug.notifications.treat(request_body)
except payplug.exceptions.PayplugError:
  if resource.object == 'refund':
    refund_id = str(resource.id)
    payment_id = str(resource.payment_id)
    refund_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(resource.created_at).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    refund_amount = str(resource.amount)
    refund_data = resource.metadata['reason']

The notification URL must be publicly accessible via the internet.
It will not work if you are operating offline or if the page is protected with a firewall or proxy.


Option 2: Extracting payment details

If you prefer not to use IPN, you may use the following method to extract payment details:

refund notifications

Step one is the same as in the first diagram.
In step two, make an API call using the payment ID and the refund ID:

$paymentId  = 'pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn';
$refundId   = 're_3NxGqPfSGMHQgLSZH0Mv3B';
$refund = \Payplug\Refund::retrieve($paymentId, $refundId);
payment_id = 'pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn'
refund_id = 're_3NxGqPfSGMHQgLSZH0Mv3B'
refund = payplug.Refund.retrieve(payment_id, refund_id)

Managing metadata

Metadata allow you to include additional information when processing payments or refunds.

  "metadata": {
    "transaction_id": "tsct_201506023456",
    "customer_id": 58790,
    "product_id": "ts_blk_00234",
    "shipping": "The delivery was delayed"

You can add up to ten keys. Names cannot exceed twenty (20) characters,
and stored content cannot exceed five hundred (500) characters.

Create a payment request

The payment request creation process

create a payment

  1. Create the payment request using sent_by for the delivery method; A link to a payment page will be generated.
  2. Based on the delivery method a SMS or an e-mail will be sent to your customer.
    Alternatively you can handle the redirection.
  3. After entering his card details, your customer is automatically redirected to the return page on your site.
  4. PayPlug sends you a confirmation via IPN (Instant Payment Notification).

Payment request delivery methods

With the payement request you can define the way you are delivering the URL to
the payment page to your customer :

Options  Expiration  Description
SMS Send a SMS to your customer with the payment URL.
EMAIL Send an e-mail to your customer with the payment URL.
OTHER A payment URL with no expiration is generated. You are responsible for sharing the payment URL to your customer.
NULL A payment URL is generated and will expire 15 minutes after the first access.

Creating a payment request by e-mail

The following code shows an example of a payment request that automatically sends an e-mail to your client with a link to the payment page:

$email = 'john.watson@example.net';
$amount = 33;
$customer_id = '42710';

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::create(array(
  'amount'           => $amount * 100,
  'currency'         => 'EUR',
  'billing'  => array(
    'title'        => 'mr',
    'first_name'   => 'John',
    'last_name'    => 'Watson',
    'email'        => 'john.watson@example.net',
    'address1'     => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'     => 'NW16XE',
    'city'         => 'London',
    'country'      => 'GB',
    'language'     => 'en'
  'shipping'  => array(
    'title'         => 'mr',
    'first_name'    => 'John',
    'last_name'     => 'Watson',
    'email'         => 'john.watson@example.net',
    'address1'      => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'      => 'NW16XE',
    'city'          => 'London',
    'country'       => 'GB',
    'language'      => 'en',
    'delivery_type' => 'BILLING'
  'hosted_payment'   => array(
    'return_url'     => 'https://example.net/return?id='.$customer_id,
    'cancel_url'     => 'https://example.net/cancel?id='.$customer_id,
    'sent_by'        => 'EMAIL'
  'notification_url' => 'https://example.net/notifications?id='.$customer_id,
  'metadata'         => array(
    'customer_id'    => $customer_id

$payment_url = $payment->hosted_payment->payment_url;
$payment_id = $payment->id;
payment_data = {
  'amount': 3300,
  'currency': 'EUR',
  'customer': {
    'email': 'john.watson@example.net'
  'hosted_payment': {
    'return_url': 'https://example.net/return?id=42710',
    'cancel_url': 'https://example.net/cancel?id=42710',
    'sent_by': 'EMAIL',
  'notification_url': 'https://example.net/notifications?id=42710',
  'metadata': {
    'customer_id': 42710,
payment = payplug.Payment.create(**payment_data)
payment_id = str(payment.id)

IMPORTANT: Please note that all amounts must be expressed in centimes as positive whole numbers
(1€ = 100 centimes).

Creating a payment request by SMS

The following code shows an example of a payment request that automatically sends an SMS to your client with a link to the payment page:

$email = 'john.watson@example.net';
$phone_number = '+33600000000';
$amount = 33;
$customer_id = '42710';

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::create(array(
  'amount'           => $amount * 100,
  'currency'         => 'EUR',
  'billing'  => array(
    'title'                => 'mr',
    'first_name'           => 'John',
    'last_name'            => 'Watson',
    'email'                => $email,
    'mobile_phone_number'  => $phone_number,
    'address1'             => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'             => 'NW16XE',
    'city'                 => 'London',
    'country'              => 'GB',
    'language'             => 'en'
  'shipping'  => array(
    'title'                => 'mr',
    'first_name'           => 'John',
    'last_name'            => 'Watson',
    'email'                => $email,
    'mobile_phone_number'  => $phone_number,
    'address1'             => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'             => 'NW16XE',
    'city'                 => 'London',
    'country'              => 'GB',
    'language'             => 'en'
    'delivery_type'        => 'BILLING'
  'hosted_payment'   => array(
    'return_url'     => 'https://example.net/return?id='.$customer_id,
    'cancel_url'     => 'https://example.net/cancel?id='.$customer_id,
    'sent_by'        => 'SMS'
  'notification_url' => 'https://example.net/notifications?id='.$customer_id,
  'metadata'         => array(
    'customer_id'    => $customer_id

$payment_url = $payment->hosted_payment->payment_url;
$payment_id = $payment->id;
payment_data = {
  'amount': 3300,
  'currency': 'EUR',
  'customer': {
    'email': 'john.watson@example.net',
  'hosted_payment': {
    'return_url': 'https://example.net/return?id=42710',
    'cancel_url': 'https://example.net/cancel?id=42710',
    'sent_by': 'SMS',
  'notification_url': 'https://example.net/notifications?id=42710',
  'metadata': {
    'customer_id': 42710,
payment = payplug.Payment.create(**payment_data)
payment_id = str(payment.id)

IMPORTANT: Please note that for sending a SMS, the phone_number key has to be provided.

Payment requests compatibility

Payment requests are now compatible with most of the API features. It will allow to build powerfull integrations.

API feature  Compatibility
Refund a payment request
Retrieve a payment request
Update a payment request
Capture a payment request
Abort a payment request
Save a card
Installment plans  
Save a card

Using the “save card” feature

create a payment

  1. Create the payment using save_card = true; a link to a payment page will be generated.
  2. Redirect the customer to the payment page.
  3. After entering card details, your customer is automatically redirected to the previously-indicated return page on your site.
  4. PayPlug sends you a confirmation including the secure card ID via IPN (Instant Payment Notification).

Combining the “save card” with a payment

The following is an example of a payment with the “save card” feature that automatically redirects your client to the payment page:

$email = 'john.watson@example.net';
$amount = 33;
$customer_id = '42710';

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::create(array(
  'amount'           => $amount * 100,
  'currency'         => 'EUR',
  'save_card'        => true,
  'billing'  => array(
    'title'        => 'mr',
    'first_name'   => 'John',
    'last_name'    => 'Watson',
    'email'        => $email,
    'address1'     => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'     => 'NW16XE',
    'city'         => 'London',
    'country'      => 'GB',
    'language'     => 'en'
  'shipping'  => array(
    'title'         => 'mr',
    'first_name'    => 'John',
    'last_name'     => 'Watson',
    'email'         => $email,
    'address1'      => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'      => 'NW16XE',
    'city'          => 'London',
    'country'       => 'GB',
    'language'      => 'en',
    'delivery_type' => 'BILLING'
  'hosted_payment'   => array(
    'return_url'     => 'https://example.net/success?id='.$customer_id,
    'cancel_url'     => 'https://example.net/cancel?id='.$customer_id
  'notification_url' => 'https://example.net/notifications?id='.$customer_id,
  'metadata'         => array(
    'customer_id'    => $customer_id
payment_data = {
  'amount': 3300,
  'currency': 'EUR',
  'save_card': True,
  'customer': {
    'email': 'john.watson@example.net'
  'hosted_payment': {
    'return_url': 'https://example.net/success?id=42710',
    'cancel_url': 'https://example.net/cancel?id=42710',
  'notification_url': 'https://example.net/notifications?id=42710',
  'metadata': {
    'customer_id': 42710,
payment = payplug.Payment.create(**payment_data)

All amounts must be expressed in centimes as positive whole numbers (1€ = 100 centimes).


When creating a payment, you can specify a notification URL for use with IPN: notification_url. Whether the payment is successful or fails, a POST query containing an object corresponding to the payment will be sent to your server.

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
try {
  $resource = \Payplug\Notification::treat($input);
  if ($resource instanceof \Payplug\Resource\Payment && $resource->is_paid) {
    $payment_id = $resource->id;
    $payment_state = $resource->is_paid,true;
    $payment_date = $resource->hosted_payment->paid_at;
    $payment_amount = $resource->amount;
    if ($resource->save_card == true) {
      $card_id = $resource->card->id;
      $card_exp_month = $resource->card->exp_month;
      $card_exp_year = $resource->card->exp_year;
    $payment_data = $resource->metadata[customer_id];
catch (\Payplug\Exception\PayplugException $exception) {
    echo htmlentities($exception);
request_body = request.body
  resource = payplug.notifications.treat(request_body)
except payplug.exceptions.PayplugError:
  if resource.object == 'payment' and resource.is_paid:
    payment_id = str(resource.id)
    payment_state = str(resource.is_paid)
    payment_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(resource.hosted_payment.paid_at).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    payment_amount = str(resource.amount)
    if resource.save_card == True
      card_id = str(resource.card.id)
      card_exp_month = str(resource.card.exp_month)
      card_exp_year = str(resource.card.exp_year)
    payment_data = resource.metadata['customer_id']

You may now extract the card ID from the object in the IPN. This is what you will use to initiate future transactions. We recommend that you also document the card’s expiration date in order to verify that the card is still valid before attempting future payments.

Payments using a card ID

create a payment with a card id

  1. Create the payment using payment_method and the previously saved card ID.
  2. PayPlug sends you a confirmation via IPN.

Processing a payment using a card ID

Now that you have a card ID, you can initiate new payments without necessarily sending your customer to a payment page:

$email = 'john.watson@example.net';
$amount = 33;
$customer_id = '42710';
$card_id = 'card_e7133426b8de947b37161dfba1897dd1';
$initiator = 'PAYER';

$payment = \Payplug\Payment::create(array(
  'amount'         => $amount * 100,
  'currency'       => 'EUR',
  'payment_method' => $card_id,
  'initiator'      => $initiator,
  'billing'      => array(
    'title'      => 'mr',
    'first_name' => 'John',
    'last_name'  => 'Watson',
    'email'      => $email,
    'address1'   => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'   => 'NW16XE',
    'city'       => 'London',
    'country'    => 'GB',
    'language'   => 'en'
  'shipping'        => array(
    'title'         => 'mr',
    'first_name'    => 'John',
    'last_name'     => 'Watson',
    'email'         => $email,
    'address1'      => '221B Baker Street',
    'postcode'      => 'NW16XE',
    'city'          => 'London',
    'country'       => 'GB',
    'language'      => 'en',
    'delivery_type' => 'BILLING'
  'notification_url'  => 'https://example.net/notifications?id='.$customer_id,
  'metadata'        => array(
      'customer_id' => $customer_id
payment_data = {
  'amount': 1000,
  'currency': 'EUR',
  'payment_method': 'card_e7133426b8de947b37161dfba1897dd1',
  'customer': {
    'email': 'john.watson@example.net'
  'notification_url': 'https://example.net/notifications?id=42710',
  'metadata': {
    'customer_id': 42710,
payment = payplug.Payment.create(**payment_data)

Once the payment is created, you have to handle the response as explained in the next page.

Payment processing

The payment object holds many fields that you’ll need to process the payment, especially:

  "id": "pay_5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn",
  "amount": 1000,
  "is_paid": true,
  "authorization": null,
  "failure": null,
  "hosted_payment": {
    "payment_url": "https://secure.payplug.com/pay/5iHMDxy4ABR4YBVW4UscIn",
    "return_url": "https://example.net/success?id=42",
    "cancel_url": "https://example.net/cancel?id=42",
    "paid_at": 1434010827,
    "sent_by": null

Then you have to handle the response with this logic and in the following order:

Your customer will receive a confirmation email after each new transaction.


The ‘save card’ feature makes the following payment options possible:

1-click ordering

Customers can pay securely without typing in their card details for every purchase.

Recurring payments

Customers can subscribe to services on your site using recurring payments.


Customers can pay in three or four interest-free instalments (within a maximum 90-day period).

Please note that recurring payments and instalments are not automated; you will need to manage the payment schedules internally.

Display an Oney pop-in

The Oney pop-in

Oney pop-in

The data used to display the pop-in can be acquired using the Oney payment simulation endpoint.

The Oney payment simulation request

The following code shows an example of an Oney payment simulation request.

$simulations = \Payplug\OneySimulation::getSimulations(array(
  'amount' => 17266,
  'country' => 'FR',
  'operations' => ['x3_with_fees', 'x4_with_fees']
data = {
  'amount': 17266,
  'country': 'FR',
  'operations': ['x3_with_fees', 'x4_with_fees']
simulations = payplug.OneyPaymentSimulation.get_simulation(**data)

The Oney payment simulation data

The data can be used to display the pop-in.

  "result": true,
  "simulations": {
    "x3_with_fees": {...},
    "x4_with_fees": {
      "installments": [
          "date": "2021-01-22T01:00:00.000Z",
          "amount": 4316
          "date": "2021-02-22T01:00:00.000Z",
          "amount": 4316
          "date": "2021-03-22T01:00:00.000Z",
          "amount": 4317
      "total_cost": 380,
      "nominal_annual_percentage_rate": 18.05,
      "effective_annual_percentage_rate": 19.62,
      "down_payment_amount": 4697

Mapping the fields

Pop-in Data
Pour un montant de amount sent as request data
Premier apport down_payment_amount
Coût du financement total_cost
TAEG effective_annual_percentage_rate
Mensualité n°1 installments[0]['amount']
Mensualité n°2 installments[1]['amount']
Mensualité n°3 installments[2]['amount']
Total down_payment_amount + installments[0]['amount'] + installments[1]['amount'] + installments[2]['amount']