Introduction Last update: 2023-10-16

PayPlugNexo is an SDK that allows Android/iOS sale systems to easily interact with PAYPLUG Terminals.

The sale system and the POS Terminals must be able to communicate through the local network. The PayPlugNexo SDK send request to the terminal’s IP address.



This class is the entry point to the SDK. It exposes the main methods to perform payment transactions between the sale terminal and the POI terminal. To get an instance of PayplugNexo, you have to use PayPlugNexoProvider.getPayPlugNexo(settings, appContext, payPlugNexoHandler). It takes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
settings PayPlugNexoSettings The settings used to to request a POI terminal through the NexoRetail protocol.
applicationContext AppContext The application context used to perform a network discovery
payPlugNexoHandler PayPlugNexoHandler Defines the callbacks for each request.


  • These class methods are invoked from background threads. You shouldn't have to handle that on your side.

This class contains the following methods:


This method allows the sale system to send a login request to the POI terminal. A login is a prerequisite for a payment request. This method has one parameter.

Parameter Type Required Purpose
networkAddress NetworkAddress (nullable) true The address info of the POI system.


This method sends a payment request to the POI terminal. This method has three parameters:

Parameter Type Required Purpose
transactionId String YES A unique identifier for the transaction.
amount Integer YES The amount of the transaction.
saleReferenceId String NO This internal reference will be passed to the terminal.


This method sends a refund request to the POI terminal. This method has two required parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
transactionId String A unique identifier for the transaction.
amount Integer The amount of the transaction.


This method sends a reversal request to the POI terminal. This method has two required parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
transactionId String The unique identifier of the transaction.
reversalReason ReversalReason The reason for the reversal.


This method tries to abort a payment request to the POI terminal. This method has a required parameter:

Parameter Type Purpose
abortReason String The reason of cancellation.


This method tries to abort a reversal request to the POI terminal. This method has a required parameter:

Parameter Type Purpose
abortReason String The reason of cancellation.


This method has no parameters and will send a logout request to the terminal. When there are no more operations in progress, a logout must be performed.


This class contains the main settings to instantiate the PayPlugNexo. The primary constructor has these parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
serviceId String The identifier of a message pair that processes a transaction.
saleId String The identifier of a sale system or a sale terminal for the Sale to POI protocol.
operatorId String The identifier of the cashier or operator.
poiId String The identifier of a POI system or a POI terminal for the Sale to POI protocol.
isAutoLogin Boolean Indicates if session must be open again as soon as possible when session is lost due an error.
lang PayPlugNexoLang The language of the POI system.
currency PayPlugNexoCurrency The currency of the amount to be paid.
protocolVersion Integer The version of the Nexo protocol you want to use, default is 3. For the moment only the version 3 is available.
manufacturerId String The identifier of the manufacturer.
applicationName String The name of the software product.
softwareVersion String The version of the software product.
certificationCode String The certification code of the software thatf manages the Sale to POI protocol.
The class also contains constants representing the default values for some settings. The secondary constructor requires only the five first parameters and uses the default values for the others.


This interface contains all the callbacks which called by the SDK. The client must implement them to handle each request.


  • The callbacks are invoked on the main thread.

This interface has these methods:


This callback is triggered when the login method is complete successfully. This method has one parameter:

Parameter Type Purpose
loginNexoResponse LoginNexoResponse Contains the login response


This callback is triggered when the login method is complete unsuccessfully. This method has no parameter.


This callback is triggered when the pay method is complete. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
paymentNexoResponse PaymentNexoResponse If the request of payment was successfully made, it contains the response otherwise it is null.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


This callback is triggered when the refund method is complete. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
paymentNexoResponse PaymentNexoResponse If the request of refund was successfully made, it contains the response otherwise it is null.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


This callback is triggered when the reverse method is complete. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
reversalNexoResponse ReversalNexoResponse If the request of reversal was successfully made, it contains the response otherwise it is null.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


This callback is triggered when the abortPayment method is complete. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
isSuccessful Boolean Is true if the request was successfully sent and false otherwise.

CAUTION: This is not a confirmation of the correct cancellation of the payment, because it should arrive via onPaymentCompleted with an ErrorCondition of type Aborted.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


This callback is triggered when the abortReversal method is complete. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
isSuccessful Boolean Is true if the request was successfully sent and false otherwise.

CAUTION: This is not a confirmation of the correct cancellation of the reversal, because it should arrive via onReversalCompleted with an ErrorCondition of type Aborted.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


This callback is triggered when the logout method is complete. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
logoutNexoResponse LogoutNexoResponse If the request was successfully made, it contains the response otherwise it is null.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


This callback is triggered when a display request is received. This method has two parameters:

Parameter Type Purpose
displayNexoResponse DisplayNexoResponse It contains information about message to display.
error ErrorEvent If the request couldn't be made, it contains the error otherwise it is null.


Represent POI host info used to connect to it:

Parameter Type Purpose
hostname String The IP address of the POI system.
port Int The port of the POI system.


An enumeration representing the currencies supported by the POI system. Only EUR is currently available. Each currency has a parameter:

Parameter Type Purpose
decimalsProportion Integer The proportion of decimals of the specified currency. For example, the EUR has 2 decimals so it's 100. YEN has 0 decimals so it's 1.


An enumeration representing the languages supported by the POI system. It allows the choice of the cashier language when the POI displays a message. Current supported languages are: FR, EN, IT, ES


An enumeration representing the request status:

Value Purpose
SUCCESS Processing OK. Information related to the result of the processing is contained in other parts of the response message.
FAILURE Processing of the request fails for various reasons. Some further processing according to the type of requested service, the context of the process, and some additional precision about the failure notified in the ErrorCondition data element.
PARTIAL The transaction has been processed successfully, but the success is not complete (e.g. only a partial amount is available for the payment, the format to be displayed is not supported and was replaced by a default format).

This object has a method fromString(name) which returns the NexoResponseResult enum value or null if not found.


An enumeration representing the ErrorCondition of the NexoSale documentation. The condition which returned an error during the request:

Value Purpose
Aborted The sale system sent an Abort request message before the end of the Payment request processing. The POI has aborted the payment transaction, and sends the Payment response message with this ErrorCondition, to report the result of the aborted payment.
Busy There are transactions in progress in the POI terminal or the sale terminal.
Cancel The user has aborted the transaction on the Customer interface (e.g. the POI terminal keyboard), because he does not want to continue the payment (e.g., problem of PIN remembering, chooses another payment mean, stop the purchase on a vending machine).
DeviceOut The POI element cannot start the payment transaction, because of a temporary error on a device (e.g. printer without paper).
InProgress The transaction is still in progress and then the command cannot be processed.
InsertedCard The Input Device requested a NotifyCardInputFlag and the Customer inserts a card in the card reader without answering the Input command. The POI has aborted the Input command processing, and answers this ErrorCondition value in the Input response message.
InvalidCard The card entered by the Customer cannot be processed by the POI because this card is not configured in the system.
LoggedOut The sale terminal has never sent a Login message request since the last Logout message sending or the start-up of the POI terminal. This is the typical error after a crash of the POI terminal or the POI system.
MessageFormat Standard message format errors. These are permanent errors, which have to be resolved without any other attempt.
NotAllowed The Payment request is received during a Device dialogue or another Service dialogue.
NotFound The resource(Transaction, Message, Reconciliation...) is not stored in the POI system.
PaymentRestriction The Customer has used a card restricted on the products the card may pay. Some of the items provided in the SaleItem of the request are product than the card cannot pay.
Refusal The transaction is refused by the payment Acquirer or the rules associated to the card. The cashier has not forced the transaction, and the payment cannot be repeated. A specific message is normally displayed to the Customer and the cashier if they are presents, the information below could be logged for further information.
UnavailableDevice The hardware is not available (absent, not configured...).
UnavailableService The service is not available (not implemented, not configured, protocol version too old...).
UnreachableHost Acquirer or any host is unreachable or has not answered to an online request, so is considered as temporary unavailable. Depending on the Sale context, the request could be repeated (to be compared with "Refusal").
WrongPIN The user has entered the PIN on the PED keyboard and the verification fails.
Other An error unrelated to any of the previous cases.

This object has a method fromString(name) which returns the ErrorCondition enum value or null if not found.


An enumeration representing the errors that may occur during the request between the sale system and the POI system:

Value Purpose
PARSE A parsing error occurs when a parser faces an error.
IO An IO error can occur during a TCP/IP request.
NOT_CONNECTED This error occurs when the client tries to send a request without connection.


An enumeration representing the display message qualification :

Value Purpose
POIREPLICATION Replication of messages on terminal
STATUS Message indicating a status info
ERROR Message indicating that on error occurred


An enumeration representing the format of messages received by the display request :

Value Purpose
PREDEFINED_CONTENT Received message is an Integer identifier that can be used to match with locale translated resource
TEXT Received message is a text (String)


An abstract class representing a Nexo Response. It contains these properties:

Property Type Purpose
result NexoResponseResult The result of your request.
errorCondition ErrorCondition The error encountered if the request failed, null otherwise.
additionalResponse String If available the additional response, null otherwise.


A subclass of NexoResponse only inheriting its properties.


A subclass of NexoResponse that adds its own properties:

Property Type Purpose
poiTransactionId String The unique identifier of the transaction in the POI system.
poiTimeStamp String The date and time of the transaction in the POI system.


A subclass of NexoResponse that adds its own properties:

Property Type Purpose
poiTransactionId String The unique identifier of the transaction in the POI system.
poiTimeStamp String The date and time of the transaction in the POI system.


An enumeration representing the reasons to reverse a transaction:

Value Purpose
CUST_CANCEL Customer cancellation.
MERCHANT_CANCEL Cashier cancellation.
MALFUNCTION Suspected malfunction.
UNABLE_2_COMPL Card acceptor device unable to complete transaction.


A subclass of NexoResponse only inheriting its properties.


A subclass of NexoResponse that adds its own properties:

Property Type Purpose
qualification Qualification Message qualification type
format OutputFormat Format of display
outputText String (optional) If output format is OutputFormat.Text, contains related text
predefinedContentId String (optional) If output format is OutputFormat.PrefefinedContent, contains related id of text



  • In order to use this library, the project's min SDK version must be 21 or above.
  • This is a Kotlin code sample. Java can also be used.
Getting started with PayPlugNexo is very straightforward. This integration guide provides detailed steps in Kotlin to integrate the PayPlugNexo SDK and proceed to a payment in an Android native application.

Migration guide

From 1.1.1 to 2.0.0


  • poiId is now mandatory on constructor
  • isAutoLogin has been added. Default value is false if not specified.


  • getPayPlugNexo has been updated. Parameter AppContext is now needed (see documentation for details).


  • connect() has been removed. Calling login() is enought to be able to open session and start to interact with terminal
  • disconnect() has been removed. Calling logout() is enought to end session with terminal
  • isConnected() has been renamed isLoggedIn
  • login(String ip, Int port) has been replaced with login(NetworkAddress? network)


  • onConnectionCompleted has been removed since connect() has been removed. Use onLoginSuccess() and onLoginFailed()
  • onDisconnectionCompleted has been removed since disconnect() has been removed. Use onLogoutCompleted()
  • onLoginCompleted has been replaced by onLoginSuccess() and onLoginFailed()
  • onError has been removed. Important errors are throw to associated action callback (onPaymentCompleted, onRefundCompleted,...)
  • onSessionLost has been added. It indicates when session is ended between cash register and terminals. If auto-reconnection is enabled, connection will be reestablished automatically as soon as possible.


To add the library, there are three steps:

  1. Add the payplugnexo.aar to the libs directory in your project root directory.

  2. In the project level build.gradle, add the libs directory to the repositories in the allprojects section:
  3. allprojects {
    	repositories {
    		flatDir {
    			dirs 'libs'
  4. In the app level build.gradle, add the PayplugNexo dependency and dependencies required by it :
  5. dependencies {
    	implementation(name:'payplugnexo', ext:'aar')


In your Activity or Fragment, you need to declare a PayPlugNexo variable:

private lateinit var payPlugNexo: PayPlugNexo
Afterwards, initialize payPlugNexo in the onCreate method. To get an instance of PayplugNexo, you have to use PayPlugNexoProvider.getPayPlugNexo(settings, applicationContext, payPlugNexoHandler). To do this, three parameters PayPlugNexoSettings, AppContext and PayPlugNexoHandler must be provided. The latest represents the callbacks invoked when a request is complete.
val settings = PayPlugNexoSettings(serviceId = "5629", saleId = "saleA", operatorId = "operatorA", poiId = "poiId", isAutoLogin = true)

payPlugNexo = PayPlugNexoProvider.getPayPlugNexo(settings = settings, applicationContext = AppContext(this.applicationContext), object: PayPlugNexoHandler {
	override fun onLoginSuccess(loginNexoResponse: LoginNexoResponse) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onLoginFailed() {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onLogoutCompleted(logoutNexoResponse: LogoutNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onPaymentCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onRefundCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onReversalCompleted(reversalNexoResponse: ReversalNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onPaymentAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onReversalAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	override fun onDisplayRequest(displayNexoResponse: DisplayNexoResponse?,error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here
	override fun onSessionLost() {
		// TODO: Write your code here


The client can send a login request to make payments. The login method should be called.

findViewById<Button>( {
	payPlugNexo.login(NetworkAddress(hostname = "X.X.X.X"))

	// if you want to use network discovery and don't specify IP address, you can use "login" method like this (require payment app 1.4.0 or above)
	// payPlugNexo.login(null)

The related callbacks are onLoginSuccess and onLoginFailed

override fun onLoginSuccess(loginNexoResponse: LoginNexoResponse) {
	// Success login, can do payments now

override fun onLoginFailed() {
	// Failure during login


To use this mechanism (switching between Payment App and local Retail App automatically) you must use IP address



The currency used in this sample is EURO.

The amount value is retrieved from the EditText, then it converted to cents by multiplying by 100 (e.g. 5.00 € equals 500). Afterwards the pay method will be called.

findViewById<Button>( {
	val amount = findViewById(

	if (doubleValue != null && doubleValue > 0) {
		val amountInCents = (doubleValue * 100).toInt()"TEST1234", amountInCents)

The related callback is onPaymentCompleted.

override fun onPaymentCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	val status = paymentNexoResponse?.result == NexoResponseResult.SUCCESS
	Log.d("Payment", if (status) "succeeded" else "failed")



The currency used in this sample is EURO.

The amount value is retrieved from the EditText, then it converted to cents by multiplying by 100 (e.g. 5.00 € equals 500). Afterwards the refund method will be called.

findViewById<Button>( {
	val amount = findViewById(

	if (doubleValue != null && doubleValue > 0) {
		val amountInCents = (doubleValue * 100).toInt()
		payPlugNexo.refund("TEST1234", amountInCents)

The related callback is onRefundCompleted.

override fun onRefundCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	val status = paymentNexoResponse?.result == NexoResponseResult.SUCCESS
	Log.d("Refund", if (status) "succeeded" else "failed")


To cancel a transaction, you need to use the reverse method.

findViewById<Button>( {
	payPlugNexo.reverse("TEST1234", ReversalReason.CUST_CANCEL)

The related callback is onReversalCompleted.

override fun onReversalCompleted(reversalNexoResponse: ReversalNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	val status = reversalNexoResponse?.result == NexoResponseResult.SUCCESS
	Log.d("Reversal", if (status) "succeeded" else "failed")


To try to abort a payment, use the abortPayment method.

findViewById<Button>( {
	payPlugNexo.abortPayment("My reason")

The related callback is onPaymentAborted.

override fun onPaymentAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	Log.d("Payment Aborted", if (isSuccessful) "succeeded" else "failed")


To try to abort a reversal, use the AbortReversal method.

findViewById<Button>( {
	payPlugNexo.abortReversal("my reason")

The related callback is onReversalAborted.

override fun onReversalAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	Log.d("Reversal Aborted", if (isSuccessful) "succeeded" else "failed")


To logout, just call the logout method.

findViewById<Button>( {

The related callback is onLogoutCompleted.

override fun onLogoutCompleted(logoutNexoResponse: LogoutNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	val status = logoutNexoResponse?.result == NexoResponseResult.SUCCESS
	Log.d("Logout", if (status) "succeeded" else "failed")



  • Xcode 11 and above is required to integrate the framework.
  • This is a swift code sample. Objectif-c could also be used.

Getting started with PayPlugNexo is very straightforward. This integration guide provides detailed steps in Swift to integrate the PayPlugNexo SDK and proceed to a payment in an iOS native application.

Migration guide

From 1.1.1 to 2.0.0


  • poiId is now mandatory on constructor
  • isAutoLogin has been added. Default value is false if not specified.


  • getPayPlugNexo has been updated. Parameter AppContext is now needed (see documentation for details).


  • connect() has been removed. Calling login() is enought to be able to open session and start to interact with terminal
  • disconnect() has been removed. Calling logout() is enought to end session with terminal
  • isConnected() has been renamed isLoggedIn
  • login(String ip, Int port) has been replaced with login(NetworkAddress? network)


  • onConnectionCompleted has been removed since connect() has been removed. Use onLoginSuccess() and onLoginFailed()
  • onDisconnectionCompleted has been removed since disconnect() has been removed. Use onLogoutCompleted()
  • onLoginCompleted has been replaced by onLoginSuccess() and onLoginFailed()
  • onError has been removed. Important errors are throw to associated action callback (onPaymentCompleted, onRefundCompleted,...)
  • onSessionLost has been added. It indicates when session is ended between cash register and terminals. If auto-reconnection is enabled, connection will be reestablished automatically as soon as possible.


Add PayPlugNexo.xcframework in the appropriate target (Targets > General > Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content).


You need to import PayPlugNexo in your ViewController and then associate it to a variable.

import PayPlugNexo
private var payPlugNexo: PayPlugNexo!
To get an instance of PayplugNexo, you have to use PayPlugNexoProvider.shared.getPayPlugNexo(settings, applicationContext, payPlugNexoHandler) to instantiate it on your viewDidLoad :
let settings = PayPlugNexoSettings(serviceId: "6676", saleId: "SaleA", operatorId: "operatorA", poiId: "poiId", isAutoLogin: true)
payPlugNexo = PayPlugNexoProvider.shared.getPayPlugNexo(settings: settings, applicationContext: AppContext(), payPlugNexoHandler: self)

You also need to configure a PayPlugNexoHandler protocol as parameter. For example by integrating it via the ViewController:

class ViewController: UIViewController, PayPlugNexoHandler {

	private var payPlugNexo: PayPlugNexo!

	override func viewDidLoad() {

		let settings = PayPlugNexoSettings(
			serviceId: "6676", saleId: "SaleA", operatorId: "operatorA", poiId: "poiId", isAutoLogin: true
		payPlugNexo = PayPlugNexoProvider.shared.getPayPlugNexo(settings: settings, applicationContext: AppContext(), payPlugNexoHandler: self)

	func onLoginSucess(loginNexoResponse: LoginNexoResponse) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	func onLoginFailed() {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	func onLogoutCompleted(logoutNexoResponse: LogoutNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	func onPaymentCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	fun onRefundCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	fun onReversalCompleted(reversalNexoResponse: ReversalNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	fun onPaymentAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	fun onReversalAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	func onDisplayRequest(displayNexoResponse: DisplayNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
		// TODO: Write your code here

	fun onSessionLost() {
		// TODO: Write your code here

To use auto-login functionality and login function without specifiying IP address, a local network discovery need to be performed. For that, a user permission is needed to access to local network. Add following code in Info.plist :



The client can send a login request to make payments. The login method should be called.

@IBAction func LoginTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {
	payPlugNexo.login(NetworkAddress(hostname = "X.X.X.X"))

	// if you want to use network discovery and don't specify IP address, you can use "login" method like this (require payment app 1.4.0 or above)
	// payPlugNexo.login(nil)

The related callbacks are onLoginSuccess and onLoginFailed.

func onLoginSuccess(loginNexoResponse: LoginNexoResponse) {
	// Success login, can do payments now

func onLoginFailed() {
	// // Failure during login



The currency used in this sample is EURO.

The amount value is retrieved from the EditText, then it converted to cents by multiplying by 100 (e.g. 5.00 € equals 500). Afterwards the pay method will be called.

@IBAction func PayTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {
	guard let amount = (amountTextField.text as NSString?)?.doubleValue else {

	let transactionId = NSUUID().uuidString transactionId, amount: Int32(amount * 100))

The related callback is onPaymentCompleted:

func onPaymentCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	let success = paymentNexoResponse?.result == .success ?? False
	NSLog("Payment: "  + isSuccess.description)



The currency used in this sample is EURO.

The amount value is retrieved from the EditText, then it converted to cents by multiplying by 100 (e.g. 5.00 € equals 500). Afterwards the refund method will be called.

@IBAction func RefundTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {
	guard let amount = (amountTextField.text as NSString?)?.doubleValue else {

	let transactionId = NSUUID().uuidString
	payPlugNexo.refund(transactionId: transactionId, amount: Int32(amount * 100))

The related callback is onRefundCompleted:

func onRefundCompleted(paymentNexoResponse: PaymentNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	let success = paymentNexoResponse?.result == .success ?? False
	NSLog("Refund: "  + isSuccess.description)


To reverse a transaction, you need to use the reverse method.

@IBAction func ReverseTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {
	payPlugNexo.reverse(transactionId: "TEST1234", reversalReason: ReversalReason.CUST_CANCEL)

The related callback is onReversalCompleted.

func onRefundCompleted(reversalNexoResponse: ReversalNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	let success = reversalNexoResponse?.result == .success ?? False
	NSLog("Reversal: "  + isSuccess.description)


To try to abort a payment, use the abortPayment method.

@IBAction func AbortPaymentTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {
	payPlugNexo.abortPayment(abortReason: "My reason")

The related callback is onPaymentAborted.

func onPaymentAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	NSLog("Payment Aborted: "  + isSuccessful.description)


To try to abort a reversal, use the AbortReversal method.

@IBAction func AbortReversalTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {
	payPlugNexo.abortReversal(abortReason: "My reason")

The related callback is onReversalAborted.

func onReversalAborted(isSuccessful: Boolean?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	NSLog("Reversal Aborted: "  + isSuccessful.description)


To logout, just call the logout method.

@IBAction func LogoutTouchUp(_ sender: Any) {

The related callback is onLogoutCompleted.

func onLogoutCompleted(logoutNexoResponse: LogoutNexoResponse?, error: ErrorEvent?) {
	let success = logoutNexoResponse?.result == .success ?? False
	NSLog("Logout : "  + isSuccess.description)